The abstract can be no longer than 2 pages and should be written in Microsoft Word. The document should be set up accordingly:
Page size: Letter (216 x 279 mm)
Margins: 25.4 mm on all sides
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.
First line – Title. The title should be in bold font, capitalizing only the first word of the title:
Sugarcane silage in Brazil
Second line – Authors. Regular font in the following style:
A.B. Ccc1 and D.E. Fff2
Third line – Affiliations, locations, corresponding author’s email address. Italic font:
1University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo 13418-900, Brazil, Email: abc@usp.br, 2University of Brazil, Piracicaba, São Paulo 13418-900, Brazil, Email: def@brazil.br
The body of the paper should contain the following sections: Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References (optional). Bold the heading and begin the text for the section on the same line using regular font, single spacing. Double space between sections.
Figures and tables may be placed within the two-page paper. Figure captions should be placed under the figure, bolding the figure number:
Figure 1 pH of sugarcane silage.
Tables should follow Journal of Dairy Science format. Table captions should be placed prior to the table, bolding the table number:
Table 1 Nutritive value of sugarcane silage.
References should be placed in Journal of Dairy Science format.
Ccc, A.B., and D. E. Fff. 2000. Evaluation of sugarcane silage for ruminants. Br. J. Nutr. 12:34-56.